Every parent wishes that his/her child does well in life and becomes an educated & well-cultured citizen. However, those seeds have to be sowed from a very early age since that is the time when kids are receptive to everything and quick at learning new skills. The question that many parents have is – ‘What is the right time to send their kids to school.’?
The answer is that the sooner the child gets exposure to the outside world, the better it is for the child as well as the parents. Pre-school or Kindergarten is the first step in that direction as that is the place where kids can build social skills, make new friends, develop emotional skills, and develop fine & gross motor skills.
However, choosing the right pre-school or Kindergarten for your child could be a tough job. Many parents ponder ‘What is the best preschool near me?’. Parents look for pre-school or nursery options that are close to their office/home so that the child does not spend more time traveling. Also, parents can visit the kid’s school whenever required.
While choosing nursery schools, parents should check whether the school follows a ‘Child-Friendly’ principle. The school should maintain exceptional hygiene and security standards. The premises should be under constant CCTV monitoring for security reasons. Apart from this, parents should check the ‘student-teacher ratio’ since teachers need to give due attention to all the students in the class.
For the first 5 years, kids are developing physically, socially, and cognitively. This is the best time when teachers in the preschool can work on molding those skills in their students. Kids learn through playful activities like dance, music, art, PlayDough, etc.
Junior KG and Senior KG are the most important milestones in the child’s life since it prepares the child for primary schooling. It sets the basic educational foundation for the kids. This is the time when they play, learn, and grow. There is a lot of emphasis on pre-writing skills in Junior KG and Senior KG. Schools put in their efforts to ensure that there is an all-round development in the child.
EuroKids is one such pre-school that has a good reputation and ardently follows the ‘child first’ principle. Their Junior KG and Senior KG sections termed ‘EuroJunior’ and ‘EuroSenior’ have a lot to offer for their students.
- Junior KG (EuroJunior) provides the kids with a platform where they can express their ideas, thoughts, and feelings. There is no pressure on the kids to learn as they ensure that the children at their own pace. There is a special focus on developing the language skills which will help them in Senior KG.
- Senior KG (EuroSenior) is a natural extension of Junior KG. Teachers work on enhancing their vocabulary. Kids at that age might face attention span problems hence teachers build mechanisms to improve the overall attention span. There is a lot of focus on developing the habit of reading & writing.
Parents have to be informed on a timely basis about the progress of their child so that they can also take an effort on improving their child’s skills. Preschools that have a frequent parent-teacher meeting (PTM) are recommended as it ensures that there is timely communication between them.
Closing Thoughts
Though pre-schooling is not compulsory in India, it provides the right platform to the child for primary schooling.
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