Learn More About 7 Categories of Hazardous Waste


Hazardous waste comes in different options and types, depending on your business.

You should find a professional disposing company that comes with specific transportation that will offer you peace of mind for all options. Still, it is essential to understand everything about different hazardous waste options and disposing regulations you should follow.

Stay with us to learn more about it.

Types of Hazardous Waste

1.   General

Suppose you generate materials from the operations. Remember that it can be hazardous for people handling it and employees. The most common examples include reactive, flammable, radioactive, corrosive, toxic, sharp, and infections. If you want, you can enter here tolearn everything about regulations.

According to the policy, you should segregate different waste options and place them in containers.

You should teach your personnel how to dispose of and direct everything with ease correctly.

Lab and shop personnel are responsible for directing their waste to the correct disposal method.

2.   Radioactive

The main goal of radioactive materials is to properly label everything and place them in specific containers when it comes to radioactive materials.

You should also find a professional company to ensure the best course of action. If you wish to prevent contamination, you should first call professionals to help you learn the entire disposing process.You should purchase radioactive waste containers by checking out the professionals from your area.

3.   Chemicals

When it comes to chemical waste, you should know that disposing requires a comprehensive understanding of regulations.

It would help if you used chemical containers as empty as possible. That way, you can prevent volatile residue from affecting your business, employees, and working area.

At the same time, place warning labels, including corrosive, flammable liquid, while calling professionals to obliterate, remove and deface it before disposing ofthe procedure.

After meeting the regulations, you should bag and box containers and place them in the dumpster. When it comes to metal-solvent cans, you should recycle them by following relevant rules.

If containers have P-List or high-hazard chemicals, they require expert treatment as hazardous waste. It means you should avoid placing them in the trash but submit them to professionals who will dispose of them with ease.

Laboratory chemicals that do not feature hazardous materials mean you can place them in the trash. Of course, we recommend you place a label such as “Non-Hazardous” and put them in the secondary box beforehand. Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJX0rvGsRpA to check out things about hazardous waste disposal.

4.   Biohazardous Waste

Biohazardous or infectious waste requireschemical disinfection, autoclaving, or incineration before disposing of it.

After you finish disinfection, you can place it in a sealed container and building dumpster. Of course, it should not feature hazardous chemicals, sharps, and radioactive elements and constituents.

Place a label featuring “non-infectious” or “sterile,” which will provide you everything you want and prevent potential issues from happening.

5.   Sharps

It is essential to understand that sharps include lancets, scalpel blades, needles, and syringes you removed from sterile containers.

According to state and federal laws, syringes without needles and used for non-infectious materials are sharps. It would help if you disposed of it based on regulations.

The main goal is to place sharps into a puncture-resistant container and collect them for incineration in a specific container.

Avoid placing sharps and needles in the trash because they may hurt your employees. It is vital to find a sharp container by calling a professional disposing company from your area.

6.   Sharp Objects

We can differentiate other sharp objects from sharps, which is essential to remember.

Here, we are talking about broken glass that can cause physical damage to your personnel and individual.

At the same time, these materials have the potential of contaminating and infecting your employees, which is why you should deal with them by following specific regulations.

You should place them in puncture-resistant containers before throwing them away in the trash.

You can also find a plastic bag full of trash, meaning you can find a disposing company to deal with everything instead of yourself.

7.   Universal Waste

The main goal is to understand that there are 7 categoriesof hazardous waste and universal waste such light bulbs/tubes, batteries, and other things that you must divide from other trash.

It is vital to remember that you should place them into a battery recycling container or call professionals for general disposing when it comes to batteries.

You should follow specific regulations and instructions that will help you determine the best course of action. The same thing works for light tubes and bulbs because you should box them and label them as Universal Waste.

Then you should submit them to an expert disposal company that will handle everything on your behalf by following each step along the way.

That way, you can rest assured and prevent potential fines from affecting your business altogether.