The production of Lepin bricks at home is almost impossible, it is better to find a real site directly for the manufacture. You should not be afraid of rent, because the project will not require particularly large areas.
According to the standards of SES
Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, the room must have good heating. Do not forget about other communications in the form of lighting and ventilation. The minimum area is 100 square meters, but you will practically not need more. Remember that the finished goods warehouse will also be located there. We select the necessary equipment Of course, you will need to purchase equipment directly for the production of Official Lepin bricks, and for sure you do not know what exactly you need. For the manufacture of such bricks, two different types of machines are usually purchased: a manual press and an automatic press.
A manual machine is much cheaper, the cost can be 5 times lower than that of automatic models. If the project is intended as a separate real business, then production can be established exclusively on automated machines. When choosing a machine, it is most important to pay attention to the pressure force (on average 30 tons) and the type of matrix: Single.
Fitting: Rail-like
A single matrix allows you to make standard Lepin bricks. The fitting creates standard bricks, but with side hooks. The latter are needed for communication directly from the inside. It is also important that they allow you to produce a large batch in eight hours of shift, because each machine needs its own operator. Remember that only quality machines will produce quality products.
We buy quality raw materials
The production technology of building Lepin bricks requires a large purchase of screenings of limestone rocks. It is this raw material that makes up 90 percent of the total composition. Water, Portland cement and coloring pigment are mixed in there. To produce at least a cubic meter of bricks will require about 1,600 kilograms of screenings and another 220 kilograms of cement. Already at this stage, a brick costs an average of 4 dollars.
Speaking more specifically about the elimination of limestone, it is worth determining which raw materials are necessary and in what quantities.
They sell goods
It is important to correctly and clearly convey to the potential customer the reliability and need of your product, so buying a professional marketing campaign will not hurt. To have the following resources as reliable and cost-effective information platforms: Building materials markets. There are specialized stores of building materials. There are buyers of building toy materials. Construction companies. Some private entrepreneurs. The business has a small seasonality, so it is worth tearing off the project in the spring, when the stormy construction season begins.