The term pet-friendly drug rehab center refers to an inpatient alcohol and drug treatment facility that allows addicts to bring their pets to treatment. The pet stays with the patient throughout the residential treatment program in many cases. During this time, the pet will be cared for by the owner in the owner’s room.
A therapy session designed to help you break free from drug addiction can be emotionally draining. There may be many roadblocks in your attempts to kick this disease and start a new, substance-free life.
What is Pet Therapy and How Does It Work?
The purpose of pet therapy is to help people experiencing difficulty, such as painful surgery, by taking their friendly, trained animals to various places. It is enjoyable to be around or to touch a happy animal during this type of treatment. Don’t underestimate this type of therapy, however. Reducing stress can stimulate the body’s production of hormones and neurotransmitters that promote health and well-being.
How Do Pets Contribute to Recovery?
In the course of your recovery, you can participate in various therapies and treatments. You only need to find facilities that accept animals or household pets. Animals can even be soothing and beneficial for those seeking addiction treatment. There are several reasons why people with family pets form close bonds with pets:
- Pets love is unconditional
Animals love unconditionally, which makes the bond between owner and animal an important source of comfort and peace of mind for those suffering from drug or alcohol addiction.
- Pets help their owners to use their time efficiently
Apart from providing a distraction, pets can also help a person maintain abstinence and participate in a treatment program.
Researches Showing the Effectiveness of Pet and Animal Therapy
A variety of studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy. Complementary Therapies in Medicine reported that people with a strong connection to animals may benefit most from these therapies. Several publications report that animal-assisted therapy with cancer patients results in lower pain levels, and that these decreases are confirmed clinically by the increase in endorphins that follow the visit.
Anthrozoos reported a study finding that if a therapy dog was present during a session between a person in treatment and a therapist, that person felt more optimistic about the therapeutic alliance.
Finding a Pet Friendly Rehab Near Me
It’s a good idea to ask if a facility offers animal therapy while looking for substance misuse or other mental health issues treatment, especially if you have trouble communicating with your therapist. Incorporating this alternative therapy into a treatment plan can improve the participation of the individual and boost the likelihood of a positive outcome for those who would benefit from it.
Say No More! Come Along With Your Pet At Mallard Lake Detox Center
At Mallard Lake Detox Center, dogs, cats, and other animals are accepted if their owners are able to properly care for them. Talk to our online team of experts to learn more.