Thousands of students drop out of college despite being in some of the most prestigious colleges or pursuing the most lucrative courses. It is thought that most of these dropout cases are caused by a lack of money. The reality is that the pressure from school and the general learning environment contribute to the largest dropout rate. provides help with schoolwork to relief stress and takes away workload so that college is more interesting.
Students drop out for different reasons. Some are personal, while others relate to the environment. Here are some of the reasons students will drop out of college.
#1 Failure To Understand The Place Of Education In A Successful Life
Ignorance about the place of education in a successful career causes a lot of students to drop out. If a student fails to see the importance of education, he or she begins to skip classes, engage in unlawful behaviors, and is eventually sent away, or drops out. Students require a constant reminder of the value of education in their lives. Proper orientation is necessary and a constant reminder that education is important for social, economic, and personal advancement.
#2 Being Ill-Prepared For The Rigorous And Demanding School Life
College life is a demanding exercise. Student life is engaging regardless of the course you are pursuing. Students must be oriented by their parents or guardians as well as in high school about the demanding nature of college life. They should know that most of the time will be spent in class, completing projects, and doing research. Any student who expects to lay around will find it rough to the point of dropping out.
#3 Lack Of School Fees
College life is expensive. A student needs money for accommodation, food, learning materials, and other expenses while in college. The money might not be forthcoming from parents or guardians. The loan provided might not be enough. A student with no idea of alternative sources of income for students will find staying in school to be difficult. Such a student drops out to find other options for earning a livelihood.
#4 Choosing The Wrong Course
Each student should choose a course that is related to his or her mental and physical capability. The course must also inspire him to rise up every day to get to class as well as take on the tough units. A student should also see his future brighter upon graduation. If these conditions are not met, a learner drops out.
#5 Refusing To Pay Enough Attention To Their Academic Life
All courses in college begin with an introduction. Introduction units are lighter and easier at the beginning. However, they get tough as the months’ progress. If a student is not paying the necessary attention to academics, learning will become difficult. Once he or she cannot perform well in class, dropping out becomes the ultimate option.
#6 A De-Motivating School Environment
The learning environment, including the teachers, fellow pupils, and infrastructure, will either motivate the student or push him or her out. The college must establish routines and provide facilities that motivate learners to remain in college.
#7 Harassment Or Lack Of Support From The Students Fraternity
Students learn with peers, seniors, and juniors in the same institution. Since students are social beings, they require support from the people in the environment. A hostile college environment discourages many of them from pursuing further education. Students must also have room for personal expression and exploration of their talents. No student will spend an extra day in a hostile environment. This has caused many students to leave school and pursue other interests.
#8 Family Challenges
The family remains at the heart of every student. It is the family that provides the resources required for the student to stay in school. Wrangles at home or lack of resources will traumatize the student to the point of dropping out of school. The family must be supportive of guaranteeing peace of mind for a student to remain in school.
#9 Personal Conflicts
Students are people with personal and emotional sides. These elements will affect the ability of a student to study or find peace in school. A bright student who is emotionally unfit will never find it difficult to stay in school. Personal conflicts make learning difficult and may also affect social life.
#10 To Pursue Personal Interests
Students have dropped out of college to pursue personal interests. It could be a career, business, adventure, or such other interests. There are students who have made discoveries and inventions that demand a lot of their time. The students end up leaving school to grow these businesses and ideas.
Parents and guardians have the responsibility of following up on students so that they complete a college education. The school must also provide a supportive environment to keep the student in school. The student should take responsibility for his school life to enable him or her to pursue learning to the ultimate level.