How to Safely Use Prescription Drugs


Medications are great as they alter the lives of humans positively. Whenever a doctor diagnoses’ a disease and prescribes a remedy, they d so with full knowledge that the medication will help. However, it helps to note that no medication/drug is fully safe. The product’s safety depends on proper use with little to no abuse. Some medication, case in point opioids, is highly addictive despite being beneficial for pain treatment.

Tips to Use Medication Safely

Once a medic prescribes a specific medicine, chances are that it is safe for use. Make sure to use them as the tool for which they are intended. Misuse often leads to abuse and, eventually, addiction or death. Below are a few tips to ensure you use the medication safely.


It is important to raise concerns if you are unsure about the medication given. It helps if the doctor knows exactly how the medication can help. They need to be convinced that the drugs are right for the ailment they are receiving treatment for.

Get the Timeline Right

Some helpful medications you get for a disease become addictive due to prolonged use. As you receive dosage instructions, ensure you understand the timelines as much as you do the amounts. The medication must act quickly and effectively to avoid overuse, leading to misuse and addiction.

Check the Pharmacy Leaflet Out

There is a pharmacy leaflet with vital information for most, if not all, of the medication you are given. This documentation has everything you need to know, including interactions, side effects, and dosage. If you are unsure about any explanation, it helps to ask the pharmacists or doctor to clarify.

Follow Directions

Medication is only useful under direction or supervision. The best medication can be a major issue for someone it is not intended for. Avoid self-diagnosis and sharing of drugs just because you exhibit related symptoms. Each person interacts differently with chemical substances in different drugs hence the need to get a proper diagnosis first.

Take Tabs on the Medication Consumed

Always record the details of the medication each time you start taking one. It would help if you had e dosage, drug name, brand, instructions to take, and the physician’s name. Also, keep track of over-the-counter medication and know exactly what you take at every stage. This information comes in handy if a different doctor has to help when things go wrong.

Stick to One pharmacy if Possible

Get all the medication you need from a particular source always. This is easy when tracking the drug that may have caused adverse effects. Most pharmacists have electronic records that keep track of every medication. If you buy from the same place, it is easier to trace in case of a negative interaction.

Keep in contact with the Doctor

Talk to your doctor at every stage of the medication. Discuss your side effects and feelings at every stage. This makes it safer and easier to change medication if something goes off.

Seek your Doctors’ Guidance before stopping any Medication

Regardless of how severe the side effects are, it’s best to discuss with your doctor regarding the side effects before discounting. Many will advise accordingly.

Medications are also drugs that can easily become addictive. Take caution and know when to get help in case of addictions. Skyward Treatment Center is always here to help.