Tips To Improve Your Suitcase For Your Boat Vacation


It is often difficult to imagine how to be on vacation onboard a boat. Then with the idea of ​​predicting everything, they filled huge bags of things that we use are made, and that will be very impractical when accommodated onboard. So, here are some practical tips for building your suitcase and your luggage is light, simple, and complete.

You must not forget that you will certainly go to a tropical climate

If you plan to take a boat vacation, you are more likely to do so in an area with a tropical climate. Remember that in the sea, the temperature drops several degrees during the night, but during the hours of the sun, the heat is felt.

The onboard routine usually starts with a good breakfast in the cockpit, enjoying the view, and so hot early; it is better to get out of bed with a bathing suit because before or after breakfast, we take the first dip in the morning. If the day continues with some diving, we will continue in a bathing suit. If we sail for a while to change coves or looking for a beach, the swimsuit will continue to be our best outfit on board. Maybe at noon we go down to eat at a restaurant or beach bar, and then men can wear a shirt or shirt, and women wear a beach outfit over their bikini.

And no matter what, the afternoon, until the sun goes down, the swimsuit will be our best ally for life on board. At dusk, a refreshing bath to remove salt from the body is highly recommended. And a post-sun cream and fresh clothes produce a refreshing pleasure, which leaves us ready for the drink. You will experience this experience on board when renting a boat with a captain or without a captain.

A cotton coat, dress, and bag of wool or finite yarn will be sufficient for the evening if it comes to food onboard as if the plan is to dine on land. Remember that you often have to go down by boat on the beach, so that flat shoes or clubs work because we have to put our feet in the water.

For the possibility that one day it will be colder or it is raining, it is good to wear a waterproof jacket type jacket.

So, the most important thing is to take two or three swimsuits, several cotton T-shirts, some shorts, one or two layers in between and a cool cape. It is also good to take two or three small towels instead of giant towels because if it rains, we will always have some droughts and take up less space. It is also very practical to take our hygiene items in a necessary space, to avoid leaving things in the bathrooms and cabins.