Online poker has been growing huge popularity in recent times. One of the reasons for the same is the wide variety of gaming variations that it offers. Situs poker online gives the player options to play different kinds of poker games. Out of these, some are lesser-known. This article has listed them out here for you.
If you spend some time in understanding and perfecting your skills at these games, you can truly dominate the online poker scene. Or you can incorporate them into the poker sessions with your friends or family at home to make them more fun and interesting.
Domino QQ
In this version of situs poker online, each player receives a total of four cards depending upon their decision to bet, raise, call, or fold. Each player then puts their four cards into sets of two and adds the value of the two cards in a set. Whatever is the sum, its second digit is taken as the value of that set. For example, if one of your set has 7 and 5, then its total will be 12, and its value will be 2. The highest value is 9. The player who has the set that has the value closest to 9 will win.
In Ceme or Bandar Ceme, each player receives one card in the beginning. All those who place a bet get a second card. Once the players have both their cards, they add up the value on these cards. The aim of the game is to have a total closest to 9. In case the total is more than 9, then you have to subtract 10 from it. The player whose sum of the two cards is closest to 9 after doing these calculations wins.
Chinese Poker
Chinese Poker, also known as Capsa or open-faced poker, is played with a maximum of four players. Each player receives 13 cards in the beginning. The players have to arrange these into three sets. The top set should contain 3 cards and has to be the lowest. The middle and bottom set should have five cards each and should be the highest. Players win one point each according to the hands they win against the players.
Badugi, known as Padooki, this poker version begins with each player getting four cards. To win the game, it is important that the player has a hand in which all the cards are of a different number and suit. The ace-to-five low betting values are followed for determining the winner. Ace, club, heart, diamonds in a sequence is the best possible ranking.
Before the betting, each player receives three cards. After a round of betting, the remaining players receive the fourth and the fifth card. All the players play blind till the fifth card, after which players can see. The ace-to-five low betting values are followed. The betting structure in usually one-two-two-four. According to this pattern, the betting in the second and the third rounds is two times the betting in the first, and in the fourth round, it is four times.