For a long time, many people have seen as hemp harmful due to the psychoactive elements common with cannabis Sativa. However, the story has changed, thanks to research by many specialists in recent years which has proven hemp to be a very useful plant free of psychoactive elements and with perfect solutions to many health complications. Hemp oil is not just helpful to humans; studies have also shown that Hemp oil is useful to animals and more specifically dogs.
If you have been struggling to find a lasting solution for your dog’s condition, continue reading and see how hemp oil will help. This article will give you an insight into some of the things you didn’t know about CBD oil.
Hemp oil reduces anxiety in dogs
Dogs get anxious just like people. Separation and noise are some of the factors that lead to anxiety in dogs. There is an extent to which the animal can manage anxiety, but when the stress exceeds the level it can handle it becomes difficult to control and can lead to damaging results. Studies have been carried on the effects of hemp oil and the results show that just like in humans, it helps reduce stress on dogs.
Perfect treatment for seizures and epilepsy
Research on dogs has shown that over 5% suffer from seizures and most of these are treated using drugs like potassium bromide and Phenobarbital. In as much as these drugs relieve your dog, they could damage the dog’s liver and other body organs. The drug-resistant epilepsy can be treated with proper administration of CBD oil. A study carried on eight patients showed that seven registered improvement just from using hemp oil alone.
CBD oil is a pain reliever for the dog
Just like in humans, Cannabidiol has worked perfectly in relieving pain in dogs. Experts are turning to this as the best option for treating chronic pain in humans and dogs. CBD is effective in dealing with the impact of inflammation, nerve-related pain, intestinal and general inflammation.
It treats nausea and increases appetite
Has your dog refused to eat or is it eating less than expected? Then you may need to talk to a reliable CBD dispensary. Studies by the National Cancer Institute show that CBD is the best treatment for loss of appetite. Again, a nauseating dog and vomiting will just need a small dosage of CBD and it’s sorted.
Cannabidiol is free of THC
CBD oil is extracted from hemp and cannabis. Tetrahydrocannabinol is also one of the compounds that are found in marijuana and this is the one that gives it its psychoactive properties. CBD oil is free from such elements. Thus do not be scared administering this oil to your dog, it won’t get “high” but will just help it relax.
CBD hemp oil is beneficial to both humans and dogs and therefore, you just need to consult the experts on the challenges facing your dog-then they will advise on the best way to help it using CBD oil.