Everything You Should Know About The Tummy Tuck Surgery



With so many different plastic and cosmetic surgeries out there, finding a procedure that would give you the results that you want can be rather complicated. This is why you should start your journey by talking to your doctor, and discussing your overall goals.

You should start by learning more about the procedure you are interested in. So if you are interested in the tummy tuck procedure, you could check out the best mini tummy tuck Melbourne at Chelsea Cosmetics or simply schedule a consultation with your doctor and have a proper chat!

A tummy tuck surgery can make you look toned


How much do you know about the tummy tuck procedure? Well, this is a surgical procedure that is designed to get rid of excess skin and fat around your abdomen, as well as tighten your skin, and give you a more toned look. It is also called the abdominoplasty.

Women who have gone through multiple pregnancies often want to go through the tummy tuck surgery. However, you might also be interested in this procedure if your skin is stretched due to other reasons, such as losing weight rapidly.


This surgery is performed by cutting from one hip to the other, then removing all the excess skin and fat, and pulling down your skin, making your skin overall toned and tight. This is why you will have a scar, that will be hidden below your bikini like, but it will not be invisible. Keep in mind that the scar can sometimes be a lot more prominent than you’d expect, or it could fade.

Keep in mind that the tummy tuck procedure is designed to get rid of excess and loose skin, as well as fat. It will tighten your weak fascia, and it can remove the stretch marks on the lower abdomen below your belly button. However, it will not correct the stretch marks outside of this area.

Your doctor might not recommend the tummy tuck surgery if you:

  • Are planning to lose a huge amount of weight.
  • Are planning to get pregnant in the near future.
  • Are a smoker.
  • Have a body mass index bigger than 30.
  • Have a severe chronic condition.
  • Have had a previous tummy tuck, with some exceptions.

If you are interested in learning more about the tummy tuck surgery, you can always talk to your doctor. Keep in mind that there are many other procedures that might just give you the results you were hoping for, such as expert fat transfer in Melbourne or others.

A good tummy tuck can have great results

Final word

The best thing to do is schedule a consultation with your doctor, and tell him or her about the goals you are trying to achieve. With this, your doctor will be able to recommend the appropriate procedure that could give you the closest results to what you want. So, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor about any procedure you might be interested in.