Couples who want to end their marriage can enter into a marital settlement agreement with one another or go to court and let a judge decide the terms. However, a marital settlement agreement can save them money and time. A Provo divorce attorney can draft their marital settlement agreement to ensure clarity of terms and the agreement anticipates circumstances that might occur after finalizing the divorce. Those who workout with a marital settlement agreement with their spouse can enjoy the following benefits:
Reach an Amicable Agreement
If you and your spouse work together, you may reach an amicable agreement. Compromises might be necessary to reach an agreement; however, you will have more of a say in the outcome.
Save money
A contentious divorce is not cheap. The longer your divorce lawyer spends on the case, the more attorneys’ fees you will have to pay. While the divorce process continues, you will incur other fees like expert witness fees and court costs.
Ensure Clarity of Divorce Terms
A martial settlement agreement can spell out the terms in detail and clearly. It can concentrate on problems where a conflict may take place like how will deal with exchanging child custody. Reaching an agreement will help you and your spouse avoid future legal clashes once the divorce has been finalized.
Shorten the Divorce Process
If both parties agree on the terms of a marital settlement agreement, the amount of time necessary to bring the divorce to a conclusion is shortened. Thus, you can have the peace of mind you desire to have as quickly as possible. Also, you both can void the anxiety and hard feelings that can happen in a contested divorce. Within a short period, you can start moving on with your separate lives while maintaining a strong focus on your children.