How to Become a Great Mentor


A mentor serves as a guide, coach, or instructor in many settings. You need a guide to show you which way to go, a coach to help you deliver what you want and maybe do certain things better, and an instructor when you need more and more knowledge. Selecting the appropriate mentor may save thousands of hours, if not years, of trial and error learning the ropes. A mentor will not propose tools only to promote them. They will strive to provide a solution that will assist their audience in moving ahead.

They set a good example. Mentors were likely excellent mentees and constantly credited their wisdom to their guiding lights. Most mentors learn from a variety of sources, like leadership courses; reading a book will not fully teach you how to be a mentor. Mentors design and implement a method with proven outcomes after their learnings and then put it out there. Their aim is the golden triangle, which consists of constant learning, doing, and teaching.

They must keep their ear to the ground and react to the people with appropriate messaging. Because leadership roles are continually shifting, mentoring is becoming more challenging; learning in management programs will help a mentor. That suggests their vision is larger than their egos, and they have the ability to alter course. They can alter their thoughts for the advantage of their mentees.

They are not the focus of the connection; they are creating their communities. Members from all backgrounds must be appreciated. Diverse points of view must be considered. Nobody should feel intimidated or as though their opinions are unimportant. We now live in a digital world where knowledge is virtual, and experience and viewpoint are shared in both directions. A mentor can assist you in making progress toward your objectives. This includes reverse mentorship, in which someone with less apparent experience is praised for their new viewpoint.

Below is an infographic from Corporate Learning Solutions to learn more about becoming a great mentor.