Is Mobile the Next Step for Esports?


Through 2020, the growing esports scene was able to show its resilience as many events were able to continue moving ahead without disruption where more traditional sporting events would find either delays or would have to be cancelled entirely – with esports as a whole continuing there had been an opportunity to attract many new players and that’s exactly what happened as more familiar names in s porting had an opportunity to show in esports too. One of the more notable choices had been within iRacing due to the downtime in motorsports, as it became one of the fastest growing and most viewed categories on popular streaming platforms throughout the middle of the year. Similar big games like FIFA were also able to grow in popularity and size as fans of more traditional options would seek out something a little more familiar with football and basketball being two of the big sports to make the transition successfully.

Other games within esports have made waves in providing an area to transition too – back in 2016 and even a little prior, Counter-Strike was able to really drum up support for a growing online betting scene as it didn’t entirely exist before as you can at cs-go betting now, and many other esports adopted this too allowing punters to move to esports and away from traditional options. But there were still challenges, esports has largely been reserved to just PC gaming, and the bigger games that were operating on consoles have since started to move away from the platforms. To get more fans on board, there may need to be a drastic change on to a new platform, and many experts believe the next big platform for esports is within mobile.

It’s no surprise that mobile would be targeted – it’s the fastest growing and most popular gaming platform in the world largely due to accessibility as nothing additional needs to be purchased to make the change, as such already has the largest existing player base that could make the change. There are constraints though, much of esports comes from being a spectator sport and as of now any developing esports title on mobile may not have the accessibility to allow spectating much in the way can be done on PC. Similarly, esports right now is largely made up of only three big titles with smaller games only being marginal in their impact, and so there would need to be a status quo shift in the line-up for games. The opportunity is certainly there though, and it wouldn’t at all be surprising to see mobile esports become the next big thing within a few years, particularly as mobile hardware improves at the steady rate it has done and allows for more complex gaming options.